How to Floss with Braces
Follow the instructions provided below and in the video for the best results to keep your braces clean.
Follow the instructions provided below and in the video for the best results to keep your braces clean.
Provided below are instructions and an informational video explaining how to correctly hook up your rubber bands.
The following instructions and video will help you understand how to use wax to help with any discomfort from your braces.
If you have a wire come out of that back bracket, don’t worry there’s an easy way to fix it if you can’t make it into the office right away. Watch the video below to see how all you need is a pencil with an eraser to push the wire underneath the rubber band hook until you can come in to the office.
A biteplane is a full time wearing appliance, used in fixing your deep overbite. Curtis Orthodontics provides effective therapy and aftercare for your corrected bite. Read on below to learn more about how to properly wear and take care of your biteplane.
We want you to know all about your braces, how to take care of them properly, how to clean them, what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. We’ve created this short video that will guide you through the process, step-by-step.
The Herbst appliance serves a distinct purpose in orthodontics, primarily aimed at correcting overbites and Class II malocclusions. Here’s why you might opt for this treatment …
Orthodontic separators are elastic (usually blue or gray) separators or spacers that are placed in between the back teeth so that orthodontists can more easily place an orthodontic band (like a ring on a finger) on a tooth or teeth the following week.
When it comes to protecting your teeth and orthodontia, common sense will usually tell you what foods and beverages to stay away from. For the most part, though, the main categories to avoid include: hard foods, sticky foods and foods high in sugar.
We’re so excited to partner with you on your journey to a more beautiful, healthy, and confident smile! Dr. Curtis or Dr. Wilson has likely prescribed a rapid palatal expander to assist in your braces treatment. Please read and follow these dental instructions carefully.